100% Certified Organic Ingredients. "Best Tasting. Most Effective." Greater Bio-Availability Through Patented Process. Nature's Most Potent Panacea. Wild oil of oregano can be used both internally and externally. The vapors can be inhaled to effectively combat lung complaints and coughs. The oil should be kept away from the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as sensitive skin areas. Children under the age of twelve should not take the oil internally. Children may be treated by diluting the oregano oil in olive oil and rubbing it on the soles of the feet or other areas of the body.
- Wild Mediterranean, handpicked & naturally steam distilled oil of oregano.
- Minimum 80-85% carvacrol content.
- Powerful antibiotic, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.
- Supports immune functions.
- Uses certified organic extra virgin oil and is grown free of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals.
- NPN 80049470
A Medicine Chest in a Bottle
The medicinal herb oil that has kept people in the Mediterranean healthy over the centuries is available for you now in a convenient and affordable product of the highest possible quality with 100% Certified Organic Ingredients. Whether you are in perfect health or have health challenges, Oil of Oregano is a simple and effective way of providing security for you and your family’s health. It is a natural medicine chest in a bottle.
Why Oil of Oregano?
Wild Oil of Oregano is a potent health aid. Its primary active ingredient, Carvacrol, when laboratory tested, proved to be one of the strongest antiseptics known to man.
Carry it with you whether it is to work or school or on a trip around the world. It is an invaluable travelling companion where food and water sources are suspect or in the event of an injury or infection. It could save your life.
Nature has provided us with a potent remedy for a wide range of afflictions in wild oregano herb and oil. Once tried, wild oregano oil will become a friend for life.
Wild Oil of Oregano Usage:
Wild oil of oregano can be used both internally and externally. The oil should be kept away from the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as sensitive skin areas. Children under the age of six should not take the oil internally. Children may be treated by diluting the oregano oil in olive oil and rubbing it on the soles of the feet or other areas of the body.
The adage ‘less is more’ applies to the use of oregano oil. It is extremely potent and should be taken according to directions. Recommended dosages should be followed. Use minimum amounts to observe the effects prior to taking larger dosages. For internal use, only take the Mediterranean species of wild oregano that has been mixed with a high quality olive oil. Other oregano oils are often ineffective and can be dangerous. Many of these oils are mislabelled and, in fact, are not the true oregano. The pure essential oil is far too strong to use externally or internally. For safety, use a brand pre-mixed with olive oil.
Why Hedd Wyn Essentials?
Hedd Wyn Essentials Oil of Oregano is produced from Certified Organic WILD Oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. minutiflorum), hand picked in the Mediterranean wilderness.
We guarantee our essential oil is pure & unadulterated. Carvacrol content is in excess of 80%. The complex synergy of natural plant chemistry is left as nature intended. Beware of inferior grades of questionable origin, purity and potency. Aside from being ineffective, they can actually harm you
Carvacrol and Wild Oregano Essential Oil Facts
A lot of attention has been given to the predominant phenol, Carvacrol, which is a large and important component of wild Oregano oil. Depending on the quality of the Oregano, part of the plant distilled, expertise of the distiller and yearly variations in growing conditions, Carvacrol can be found ranging from approximately 30-87% in traditionally distilled oils. Due to the attention Carvacrol has received and the unfortunate thinking in Europe and America that more is better, we see products on the market boasting unrealistically high levels of Carvacrol. Distillers have found that by adding Carvacrol to the water during distillation that they can increase the Carvacrol percentage without it being detected in Gas Chromatography (GC) testing. Another method is to fractionate the oil by “boiling off” certain other chemical components of the oil to make the Carvacrol percentage higher. Unfortunately this adulterated or “standardized” oil is not nearly as effective for therapeutic application because the delicate synergy created by nature is thrown out of equilibrium or parts of the puzzle are missing. Lab testing done on the efficacy of pure Carvacrol for destroying pathogens has shown it to be half as effective as pure, unadulterated Oregano oil . The key to Oregano oil’s amazing power is the synergistic combination of naturally occurring chemicals in the ratio in which nature produced them. Carvacrol’s importance may be overestimated by media articles which neglect to mention the other critical chemical components of Oregano oil and their relationship with each other.
Unfortunately, the ” more is better” mind set has provided distillers with the incentive to increase Carvacrol levels, at whatever cost to the end result, in order to cater to demand from this uninformed sector of the marketplace. The researchers and professors and even the good distillers find all this highly amusing as they know that the real curative powers of nature lie in the naturally distilled oil. Lab testing on Oregano’s antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral, anti-cancer etc. properties has been conducted with naturally distilled, best quality Oregano oil which falls into an average range of 62-85% Carvacrol.
When you consider that the final product has to be well diluted with olive oil to make a safe and therapeutically effective product, differences in Carvacrol percentages mean very little. Each manufacturer blends at a different strength/ratio of olive oil to Oregano oil. The final Carvacrol percentage in the bottle is likely to be in the 5-15% range. Again, if a manufacturer claims that an ‘extra strength’ product (typically 40-50% Oregano oil) is better by virtue of its strength, they are again mistaken and falling back on the “bigger is better” mentality. The body would rather deal with more of a correctly blended product than an extra strength product. The olive oil greatly aids the body to assimilate the Oregano oil. Pure Oregano essential oil is very caustic and unsafe for therapeutic use. Any knowledgeable herbalist will tell you that a small dosage of a given herb may have a healing effect where a larger dose of the same herb would have the opposite effect. More is not better!
Another thing to watch for is when manufacturers claim Carvacrol counts in round numbers such as 75%, 80% or 85%. GC testing is always done in hundredths i.e. 71.28%. Please ask to see the GC certificate. If you see a round number, chances are it is a counterfeit GC or an adulterated/standardized product. Naturally this does not apply to manufacturers who may claim “not less than 65% Carvacrol” or “Carvacrol between 60-70%”.
Authentic wildcrafted Mediterranean oregano oil, Origanum vulgare (carvacrol content greater than 80–85%) in a certified organic extra virgin olive oil.
Usage of Wild Oil of Oregano
Oil of Oregano will kill any kind of “germ”. Proof of this statement can be found in the Quarterly Review of Biology, March 1998 and the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, June 1977, among other authoritative publications.
Among the natural antioxidants, oregano oil is one of the most powerful. It protects cells from free radical damage in the same way it prolongs the shelf life of foods. Take a few drops daily under the tongue to slow the effects of aging and maintain healthy cell structure.

Normal dosages:
1-6 drops taken under the tongue or in juice, water or a teaspoon of honey 2-6 times a day. Hold under the tongue for a minute or longer before swallowing to help absorption. Stubborn conditions may require more frequent dosages.

How to use:
Apply a small amount of the Oil to affected areas. Dilute 50% or more with olive oil if skin is sensitive. Do not use on mucous membranes and sensitive skin areas.

Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano is natural and safe to use. Among the natural antioxidants, oregano oil is one of the most powerful. It protects cells from free radical damage in the same way it prolongs the shelf life of foods. Take a few drops daily under the tongue to slow the effects of aging and maintain healthy cell structure.

It will not create more mutant strains of bacteria.

It can be used externally and internally . There are no side effects.
External application:
Apply a small amount of the Oil to affected areas. Dilute 50% or more with olive or coconut oil if skin is sensitive. Do not use on mucous membranes and sensitive skin areas.

Oil of Oregano provides you with a medicine chest in a bottle. This natural remedy provides defense against biological toxins. Carry it with you whether it is to work or school or on a trip around the world. It is an invaluable travelling companion where food and water sources are suspect or in the event of an injury.

Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano is unique by being the only product of its kind to utilize a patented technology which increase bioavailability, absorption and compatibility.
Animal Usage:
Dogs, birds, horses, chickens and other livestock benefit from both internal and external use of Oregano oil etc.

Wild oregano has been used for centuries in the Mediterranean to help people maintain good health.
Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil or Oregano is lab tested in accordance with the regulations from Health Canada to ensure that natural health products do not contain harmful amounts of infectious agents, chemicals or heavy metals. NPN# 80049470.
Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano
The Oregano leaves and flowers are steam distilled at low temperature and low pressure in stainless steel crucibles. Each batch of essential oil is numbered and then analyzed using Mass Spectography and Gas Chromatography. This rigorous testing assures that only the correct species of edible Oregano with high Carvacrol content is delivered to you in our Oil of Oregano.
Certified Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is used as a base in order to provide you with the finest edible product, free from additives of any kind. Every bottle is revitalized using a patented European technology which increases the life force of the oil and aids its healing power by introducing beneficial frequencies that restore harmony, health and strength in the body. You get a highly effective, pure and natural medicine chest in a bottle. Ratio 1:4
You may use Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano with confidence. Add one or two drops to soups, salads, etc. for a hearty and delightful culinary experience. Enhance your health by using this age old remedy which modern science is only now beginning to discover.
Product Quality & Standardization
As a customer, it is your right to know what you are buying. At Hedd Wyn Essentials we are firmly committed to providing the best of what Nature has to offer in its original composition, as nature designed it. In our products, you will find essential oils, herbs and foods which are wildcrafted or grown using organic methods of cultivation, free of chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.
Our Certified Organic wildcrafted Oil of Oregano is made from wild Mediterranean Oregano, picked by hand and naturally steam distilled. No additives are used in the process and nothing is taken away. Our cold pressed extra virgin olive oil is Certified Organic. This costs us more but makes a much safer and better tasting product for you, the customer.
Sometimes we are asked if our Oil of Oregano is standardized. We can proudly say “No, it is not and never will be.” Why? Because standardization involves alteration or adulteration and in the case of Oregano essential oil this does not benefit the consumer. Let us explain.
A lot of research has been done on Oregano and its chief chemical constituent, a phenol called Carvacrol. Carvacrol is a powerful antiseptic. Oregano oil contains 3 other main classes of chemicals which act synergistically to provide the antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-venom and antiparasitic qualities of Oregano oil.
As powerful as Carvacrol is, it is not the whole story. This has been proven in lab testing. Pure Carvacrol is only half as effective as pure Oregano oil in inhibiting fungal and bacterial growth.
In order to standardize Oregano oil, something has to be added or taken away. Carvacrol has been chosen as the ingredient to standardize. Carvacrol levels are increased by adding Carvacrol to the water during distillation or afterwards to the oil or by fractionating the essential oil after distillation by “boiling off” other natural components of the oil to make the Carvacrol percentage higher in relation to what is left. In both cases the natural synergy of active constituents in the oil is put out of balance without any thought of the effect that will have on the healing properties of the end product. In fractionation, whole parts of the Oregano plant’s makeup are removed in ignorance of their function!
At Hedd Wyn Essentials , we would rather trust Mother Nature than men in laboratories. Please review the Gas Chromatography testing report on our Oregano oil. You will see that you are receiving a superior product with high natural Carvacrol levels.
Please take the time to taste our Oregano oil and compare it to other Oregano oils you have tried. Trusting your own finely tuned sense of taste and smell will tell the story quickly and eloquently.
Why do you use certified organic wild Mediterranean oregano oil?
We want our product to be the best it can be for our customers and ourselves. This is what motivated us to be the first oregano oil manufacturer to market with 100% certified organic ingredients. Although buying certified organic costs us more, it guarantees a safe and effective product, free of man-made chemicals. The wildcrafted Mediterranean oregano is considered the most valuable therapeutic oregano herb available. We think the results speak for themselves.
Do you guarantee your oil of oregano?
Yes. We offer a satisfaction or money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, just return your bottle of oil of oregano to us within 30 days, and we will refund the full purchase price to you.
Many wild claims are made for all kinds of products. Why should I believe that your product works?
Don’t take our word for it! In Dr. Cass Ingram’s book The Cure is in the Cupboard, which is an in-depth study of the multiple uses of oil of oregano, many research references are given that will substantiate any of the material written on this website concerning the proven effects of oregano oil. We offer a full money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with our Oil of Oregano.
Should I drink lots of water when taking oil of oregano?
Yes. Water helps flush toxins left from dead pathogens from the body. It is important to drink pure spring water throughout the day when taking oregano oil. This is especially true when disease is present. If headaches, fatigue, or flu-like symptoms occur after taking oregano oil, this is a signal that the oil is doing its job. Should symptoms occur, stop taking the oil and drink lots of water. By drinking water, you flush these poisons out of your body. Resume taking the oil once symptoms have stopped.
Is oil of oregano safe for children?
For infants and children up to the age of seven, external use only is mandated. Dilute one drop in a teaspoon or less of olive or coconut oil and massage into the soles of the feet. The oregano oil may also be inhaled straight from the bottle or by placing a drop on a tissue or cloth. For older children, the oil may be taken internally. It is advised to use only one drop and dilute it with olive oil, juice, or a teaspoon of honey to reduce the heat sensation, which may be too strong for a child. Preventative measures against disease are very effective in keeping your children healthy. Dirty fingernails harbour all kinds of nasty pathogens. Keep your child’s fingernails short and frequently wash their hands and nails with a drop or two of oil of oregano and soap. Liquid soap is easy to mix the oregano oil into.
Can I take too much oil of oregano?
Yes! Essential oils are composed of highly concentrated, naturally occurring chemicals. Even herbs and natural forms of many plants are only beneficial in small quantities. This is true of oil of oregano. Please do not exceed recommended dosages. The adage “less is more” is at work here. The liver must process the oregano oil and will become overloaded if too large an amount is taken. People using excessive amounts of alcohol regularly or taking 3 or more prescription drugs should avoid using oil of oregano.
Is there more information available for how to use oil of oregano for specific conditions?
Yes. The Cure is in the Cupboard by Dr. Cass Ingram is an excellent book (available at your local bookshop or through with treatment protocols for many conditions.
How long will my bottle of oil of oregano last?
A 25 ml bottle will last 10 weeks if you take the recommended dosage every day. Most people will not have a need to use this much, so your bottle should last much longer.
What is the shelf life of oil of oregano?
The shelf life of the oil is many years. Oil of Oregano contains natural antioxidants, which preserve the olive oil.
Are there other uses for oil of oregano?
Yes! You may add a drop or two to vegetable oils and other foods to extend their shelf life. Oregano oil contains phenols and other compounds that are powerful antioxidants. Use a few drops on a wet cloth for cleaning and sanitising kitchen counters and bathroom surfaces. Use for daily hygiene by adding small amounts of oregano oil to liquid soaps for washing hands, feet, and body. Carry when camping, trekking, or travelling for adding to water or food and for treating cuts, scrapes, bites, etc. One of our clients even used our Oil of Oregano to rid her houseplants of bugs.
What are the benefits of using certified organic wildcrafted oregano in your Wild Oil of Oregano?
Most of the essential oils produced are geared towards the flavour and fragrance industry. Huge volumes are required, and most of the plant material is conventionally farmed using chemical fertilisers, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, all of which are toxic to humans, animals, and Mother Earth. Until recently, many aromatherapists, suppliers, and manufacturers that used essential oils remained unconvinced that organic and wildcrafted plant material produced a superior oil. That line of thought was proven inaccurate by testing done in Europe over a decade ago. It was discovered through laboratory testing that essential oils derived from most conventionally farmed plant material contained as much as fifty times the allowable limit of agrochemicals considered safe in food products. Due to the rapid assimilation of essential oils into the human bloodstream, the hazards of using these chemically laden oils are readily apparent. For essential oils to be safe therapeutically and for personal use, they must be produced from chemical-free, organically grown, or wild plant material. In our experience, wildcrafted plants generally produce the most beautiful and beneficial oils. In the case of oregano, the soil and climate conditions in the Mediterranean wilderness combine to create optimum conditions for the high carvacrol oregano. The resulting oil is of the very highest therapeutic quality. Naturally, being certified organic wildcrafted oregano, it is free of toxic chemicals.
What is the percentage of carvacrol in your oregano essential oil?
Our oregano essential oil is MS/GC tested. Every harvest yields a slightly different carvacrol percentage, so on our label, to be safe, we put carvacrol 78-85%. On average, the carvacrol levels are approximately 82%. The highest legitimate carvacrol level we have ever seen in a wildcrafted Mediterranean oregano oil was 86%. Any manufacturer claiming a higher carvacrol content than this in a wild Mediterranean oregano oil is misleading the consumer. Higher carvacrol levels can only be achieved in farmed oregano (not as good therapeutically) or oil that has been adulterated in the distilling process, making it less useful therapeutically because some of its phytochemicals have been “boiled off” to make room for added carvacrol. Caveat emptor!
Is your oregano oil safe for animals?
Dogs, birds, horses, chickens, and other livestock benefit from both internal and external application of oregano oil. It can be used topically or internally. It also speeds up healing. Dilute in more olive oil for internal and external use. Mix with food for internal use. Extreme caution must be used treating felines due to possible liver damage.
Is your oil tested for heavy metals and other contaminants?
Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil or Oregano is lab tested in accordance with the regulations from Health Canada to ensure that natural health products do not contain harmful amounts of infectious agents, chemicals, or heavy metals. NPN# 80049470
Every medication or natural health product may cause serious adverse reactions or interactions with other medications or natural health products. Read and follow the label, warnings and inserts provided by the manufacturer and consult your healthcare professional when purchasing medications or natural health products to be sure the product is right for you. No health, wellness, prescription or pharmaceutical information is intended to substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a healthcare professional. Always keep medications and natural health products out of reach of children.
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Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website. We recommend that you do not rely solely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product.
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