Over 100 Years of Pepto History
Pepto-Bismol provides effective relief of multiple stomach symptoms. Available in liquid, chewable tablets, and swallowable caplets, Pepto-Bismol treats diarrhea and provides fast relief of upset stomach, nausea, heartburn, and indigestion due to overindulgence in food and drink

The invention of what we now know as Pepto-Bismol coincided with other health advances, such as milk pasteurization and public campaigns advocating hand washing.The early success of Pepto-Bismol presented a production crisis for its inventor, who couldn't make enough product in his home to satisfy demand. He brought his formula to what was then called the Norwich Pharmacal Company in Norwich, New York. Norwich Pharmacal had a way to increaseproduction dramatically – by manufacturing it in 20-gallon tubs.
Norwich added the remedy to its catalog for medical professionals, with the product name Bismosal: Mixture Cholera Infantum. Norwich tinkered with the doctor's formula a bit and advertised the improved product as an "elegant, pleasantly flavored" mixture.